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A Beginner’s Guide to Debugging in WordPress: Tips and Tricks for Effective Troubleshooting


If you’ve ever worked with WordPress, chances are you’ve encountered a bug or error at some point. Whether it’s a broken plugin, a white screen of death, or an HTTP error, It can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. Fortunately, there are many tools and techniques available to help you identify and fix issues on your WordPress site.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about debugging WordPress, from common error messages to debugging tools and techniques. We’ll also explore when it’s best to seek professional help and how to test your site to ensure it’s running smoothly.


Common Error Messages:

Before we dive into debugging tools and techniques, it’s important to understand some of the most common error messages you may encounter when working with WordPress. These can include:

  1. White Screen of Death (WSOD)
  2. Internal Server Error (500)
  3. Page Not Found (404)
  4. Connection Timed Out
  5. Memory Exhausted Error
  6. Database Connection Error

Each of these error messages can indicate a different issue with your site, so it’s important to read the message carefully and do some research to understand what might be causing the problem.

Debugging Tools:

One of the most important tools in your WordPress debugging arsenal is the WordPress Debugging plugin. This plugin allows you to turn on debugging mode and view error messages right on your site. To use this plugin, simply install and activate it, then navigate to your site’s wp-config.php file and add the following code:

define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );

Once you’ve turned on debugging mode, you’ll be able to view error messages in real-time, which can be incredibly helpful in identifying and fixing issues on your site.

Other helpful debugging tools include:

  1. Query Monitor: This plugin allows you to monitor your site’s database queries, hooks, and actions, which can help you identify slow loading pages and other performance issues.
  2. Debug Bar: This plugin adds a debugging menu to your WordPress admin bar, allowing you to quickly access error messages, query information, and more.
  3. Health Check & Troubleshooting: This plugin allows you to run diagnostic tests on your WordPress site to identify and fix issues, without affecting your live site.

Debugging Techniques:

It is the process of finding and fixing errors or issues on your WordPress site. Debugging can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, but there are many techniques and tools you can use to make it easier. Here are some common debugging techniques that you can use to identify and fix issues on your WordPress site:

  1. Enable WordPress Debugging: WordPress comes with built-in debugging features that can help you identify issues on your site. To enable debugging, add the following code to your wp-config.php file:
sqlCopy codedefine( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

These lines will enable debugging, log debugging messages to a file, and disable displaying the messages on your site.

  1. Use a Debugging Plugin: There are many debugging plugins available for WordPress that can help you identify and fix issues on your site. Some popular debugging plugins include Query Monitor, Debug Bar, and Log Deprecated Notices.
  2. Check Server Logs: Your web server’s error logs can provide valuable information about issues on your site. You can access these logs through your hosting account’s control panel or by contacting your hosting provider.
  3. Disable Plugins and Themes: Issues on your site may be caused by conflicting plugins or themes. To identify the culprit, try disabling all of your plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme. Then, gradually re-enable your plugins and switch back to your preferred theme until you identify the one causing the issue.
  4. Check Your Code: If you’ve made custom modifications to your site’s code, it’s possible that an error in your code is causing issues. Double-check your code to ensure there are no syntax errors or logical issues.
  5. Use Debugging Tools: There are many debugging tools available that can help you identify and fix issues on your site. For example, the Chrome DevTools can help you debug JavaScript issues, and the Xdebug extension can help you debug PHP issues.

By using these debugging techniques, you can quickly identify and fix issues on your WordPress site, ensuring that it’s running smoothly for your visitors. Remember to always backup your site before making any changes, and seek professional help if you’re not comfortable with debugging or if you encounter a particularly stubborn issue.

Using code snippets can be a powerful way to add functionality to your WordPress site or fix issues that you encounter. Code snippets are small pieces of code that you can add to your site’s functions.php file or a custom plugin, which can modify the behavior of your site. However, it’s important to note that code snippets can also be a double-edged sword, as poorly written or conflicting code can cause even more issues on your site.

If you’re comfortable with coding and want to try using code snippets on your WordPress site, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Only use code snippets from trusted sources: Sites like WPBeginner offer a wide range of code snippets for common WordPress issues, which can be a great starting point. However, it’s important to only use code snippets from trusted sources, as poorly written code can cause more problems on your site.
  2. Test code snippets on a staging site: Before you add a code snippet to your live site, it’s a good idea to test it on a staging site to ensure it doesn’t cause any conflicts or issues.
  3. Keep track of code snippets: As you add more code snippets to your site, it can become difficult to keep track of what code is doing what. Make sure to document each code snippet you add to your site, including a brief description of what it does and where it came from.
  4. Know when to seek professional help: While code snippets can be a powerful tool for fixing issues on your site, there may be times when it’s best to seek professional help. If you’re not comfortable with coding, or if you’re encountering a particularly stubborn issue, it’s often best to hire a professional WordPress developer to help you resolve the issue.

In addition to using code snippets, there are many other tools and techniques you can use to debug your WordPress site. By using a combination of debugging plugins, techniques, and code snippets, you can quickly identify and fix issues on your site, ensuring that it’s running smoothly for your visitors.


Advantage of Debugging:

Debugging has many advantages when it comes to maintaining a WordPress site. Here are some of the key advantages of debugging:

  1. Improved Site Performance: By identifying and fixing issues on your site, you can improve its overall performance. This can lead to faster page load times, better user experience, and improved search engine rankings.
  2. Enhanced Security: It can help you identify security vulnerabilities on your site and fix them before they can be exploited by hackers. This can help protect your site and your users’ data from security breaches.
  3. Increased Site Stability: It can help you identify and fix issues that can cause your site to crash or malfunction. By addressing these issues, you can ensure that your site is stable and reliable for your visitors.
  4. Better User Experience: By fixing issues on your site, you can improve the user experience for your visitors. This can lead to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and increased customer satisfaction.
  5. Lower Costs: It can help you identify and fix issues before they become major problems. This can help you avoid costly downtime, lost revenue, and the need for expensive emergency support.

Overall, debugging is an essential part of maintaining a WordPress site. By identifying and fixing issues on your site, you can improve its performance, security, stability, and user experience, while also reducing costs and avoiding major problems down the line.


In conclusion, It is an essential skill for maintaining a healthy and high-performing WordPress site. With the right tools and techniques, you can quickly identify and fix issues that can impact site performance, user experience, and security. From enabling WordPress debugging and using plugins to checking server logs and using debugging tools, there are many techniques you can use to troubleshoot issues on your site.

By This your site regularly, you can improve its overall stability, security, and performance, while also providing your visitors with a better user experience. It can also help you save time and money by identifying and fixing issues before they become major problems.

However, it’s important to always backup your site before making any changes and to seek professional help if you’re not comfortable with debugging or if you encounter a particularly stubborn issue.In short, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, debugging is a critical skill to master for maintaining a successful WordPress site. By making it a regular part of your site maintenance routine, you can ensure that your site is running smoothly, providing a great experience for your visitors, and helping you achieve your goals online.

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